Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Parents' Manifesto on Common Core

The Parents' Manifesto on Common Core

We, the parents, hereby declare our vehement objection to the new Common Core State Standards Initiative in (YOUR STATE)  The federal government’s position is not to raise our children; that is our responsibility, and we are taking it back.  Our government has overstepped its bounds and we, the parents, are stepping up and saying, “Enough is enough.”

We, the parents, declare that the responsibility of education belongs to the State of (YOUR STATE), not the federal government.  We, the parents, decree that the manner in which the Common Core Standards came to be is unconstitutional and illegal.  We the parents, will not stand silently by as our authority is usurped by an overreaching, greedy government.  

We, the parents, demand that local control over education be returned to it's rightful masters, us and our children's teachers.  We, the parents, recognize that as parents and educators, we have a partnership in educating our children; and that partnership is vital to their success.

We, the parents declare that our children are unique, not common.

We, the parents, declare that our children are not at our government's bidding to be shoved into whatever occupational box is needed by the collective society.  We, the parents, hold to the strong belief that each child has a unique purpose, individual talents, and calling in life and should be allowed to fulfill them without being directed by the dictates of the government.

We, the parents, declare that our children are not data points.  Our children are not a product that major corporations and foundations can cash in on.  We, the parents, will not let this government cyber-pimp our children’s personal information to the highest bidder.

We, the parents, declare that our teachers are the cultivators of the future.  We, the parents, will not let them be reduced to data drones who just “feed” information to our children.  We, the parents, realize that learning is more than just an exchange of data between educator and pupil. 

We, the parents, declare that our children will not be the guinea pigs for this national education experiment, also known as the Common Core.  

We, the parents, declare that we have unalienable rights as parents to determine what is in the best interests of our children.  The government does not have this right; the government is subject to the will of the people.  And we, the parents and people of the republic of (YOUR STATE) that it is our will that the Common Core be rejected and repealed.

{Permission is granted by Parent Led Reform Oregon in association with Stop Common Core in Oregon for this document to be copied and distributed to parents, teachers, principals, elected officials and whomever else needs to know the truth.  Please share generously!  Permission is also granted for any parent to use this Manifesto as a speech before school boards, general assemblies, public forums, etc. please reference Parent Led Reform Oregon as the originator.  Thank you.}

©Parent Led Reform Oregon 2013

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